House price statistics

Our house price statistics include all residential sales in Scotland, and are based on date of registration.

They are produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.

These statistics come from the land register. They date back to April 2003, when the last of Scotland's counties joined the land register.

Our house price statistics are distinct from the UK House Price Index. Read our Knowledge Base guidance notes and comparison page for more information.


Please note, we are currently reviewing these statistics, please let us know if you make use of them by emailing

Feedback on our data and statistics

We are seeking feedback on our data and statistics from users to help us improve our work. The Scottish Government have set up a survey for users of Scottish official statistics to provide feedback and suggestions on statistics products.

Provide us with feedback on any of our statistics publications

User feedback survey

In Summer 2019, we ran a user feedback survey on the data and statistics we publish.


We are seeking feedback on our property data and statistics from users to help us improve our work. Please contact us at with any comments.

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